State License Updaters:

  • Arizona – New source for MD and PA titles
  • California – Added support for license fee data
  • Michigan – Added support for NP specialty certification data 
  • New Mexico – New integration for controlled substance licenses (enabled titles CS and RXP)
  • Oregon – Enabled title QMHA-R
  • Rhode Island – Enabled titles RN-S and RN-eNLC (for use when providers hold both a single-state and multi-state license under the same number)

The New List: 

  • New provider titles/license types (starred items added as provider title only)
    • CGRM – Certified Gambling Recovery Mentor
    • COA – Certified Ophthalmic Assistant
    • COT – Certified Ophthalmic Technician 
    • IHS – Integrated Healthcare Specialist*
    • LA – Local Anesthesia
    • NO – Nitrous Oxide
    • PDH – Public Health Dental Hygienist
    • QMHA-R – Qualified Mental Health Associate – Registrant
  • New specialties:
    • Pediatrics – Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
  • New professional organization:
    • American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME)
    • National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (NBPNS)
    • Rhode Island Certification Board
  • New additional certifications:
    • CAP Forensic Drug Testing Accreditation
    • YPA – Youth Peer Advocate Credential
    • YPA-P – Youth Peer Advocate Credential – Provisional
  • New document types:
    • Cultural Competency Certificate 
    • Independent Practice Form
    • Medicare Revalidation
  • New logins
  • New CME organization/credit types
  • New healthcare payors
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