OneView – Feature Releases – 11/14

Compliance Report: Welcome to your new and improved Compliance Report. We’ve added a few features and made it a whole lot faster. Some details: You can now share a direct link to the Compliance Report with anyone else in your organization. People who don’t belong

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Modio on Air Part 2 : Podcast for Bay Area Ventures

Didn’t have a chance to catch Modio co-founders Dr. Kirk Heath and Dr. Tom Clifford on Bay Area Ventures? Don’t worry! The full Podcast is now available for streaming whenever you want. Hear how these two surgeons came up with a modern solution to managing

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Modio On Air with Bay Area Ventures

When a team of physicians in Virginia and a group of tech gurus in San Francisco came together to launch Modio Health, something big happened. This month’s episode on Bay Area Ventures will share how Modio went from a small startup to a company ready

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Uncovering the True Cost of Medical Credentialing

This is the life of a typical healthcare practice manager: It’s 9 PM on a Friday. You’re still at the office, scrambling to finish the initial credentialing applications for the new providers joining your practice. Your desk is covered with 2-inch-thick personnel files, but you’re

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Spotlight: Physicians Practice

Our very own Dr. Tom Clifford, Chief Medical Offer of Modio Health was recently featured in an article by Physicians Practice titled “11 Reasons Physicians Hate Maintenance of Certification“. The article highlights the pains of Maintenance of Certification (MOC) through the eyes of various doctors

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Spotlight: Electronic Health Reporter

Modio Health was recently featured on Electronic Health Reporter, which features a collection of stories about healthcare technology startups and the people that make these stories possible.  Built by physician, credentialing, and technology experts, Modio makes doctor credentialing and career management simple, transparent and efficient. We decrease credentialing

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Modio OneView : Infographic

An easy breakdown of Modio’s OneView for Credential Management.  

Modio Health: A New Approach to Credentialing

American healthcare is unsteady and laborious about embracing the adoption of technology. This encourages the archaic habit of using paper alongside electronic systems for the management of documents and patient care. Such a state of affairs is prone to human error, which in turn results

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